Beaufort Jasper EOC Head Start

Transportation Agreement
(Private Transportation Only)

Child Name:*
Parent name:*
What program option are you registering for?*

I will transport my child to Head Start Center on a daily basis and I agree to the conditions stated below:
  • Arrival time should be between 7:15 AM and 7:45 AM.
  • My child will be in regular attendance at the Center.
  • When my child will be absent, I will call the Center by 8:15 AM.
  • I understand that I or the authorized person must sign my child in and out each day upon his/her arrival to or departure from the center.
  • I will stop by the office, pick up a pass, and sign in before taking the child to his/her assigned class.
  • When arriving at the Center with my child and the teacher states he/she cannot receive the child because he/she appears to be ill, I will take my child back home without an argument.
  • I further understand that my child will not be released to anyone other than the person(s) who I have authorized in writing to receive my child.
  • I or authorized responsible person will pick up my child each day by:
    2:30 PM at Beaufort
    2:45 PM at Sandalwood
    2:30 PM at Davis (Pre-school & Early Head)
    2:45 P.M. Leroy H. Gilliard
    2:45 PM for Robertville (EHS)
    2:30 PM at Ridgeland (Must pick child up in Car Riders Line)
    2:30 PM at Hardeeville (Must pick child up in Car Riders Line)
    2:30 PM at St. Helena (Pre-school & Early Head)
    2:30 PM at Shanklin
  • I will notify Head Start in writing of any changes such as:
    1. Change of address
    2. Change of responsible receiver
    3. Medical condition
    4. Change of custody, restraining orders, etc.
I understand the following actions will be implemented if I am late to pick-up my child from his/her Center:
  • The Center staff will call the responsible receiver to pick the child up.
  • If the child is still at the Center 15 minutes after the designated time, the Center staff will call the Central Office and an Administrative staff may contact the Sheriff’s Department.
I confirm that I have read and understand this form. *

Parent Signature
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